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Thursday, March 31, 2011

What is streaming?

What is streaming?

The word streaming means your site or page is using multimedia on it, which is the use of music, videos, audio or similar files. The use of streaming is most popular in the listening to the radio online, or watching a music video or news online.

Streaming is done from the server where your website files are hosted. Streaming allows the information to be heard or seen without interruption, without downloading information to the users computer. Streaming allows those who are listening or using the information from the server to see the same thing, at the same time such as a radio station. Consider streaming to be instant use. Streaming doesn’t allow the user, listener or the watcher to save files on their computer, but to see, hear and listen at once.

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What do I need to host multimedia content on my server?

What do I need to host multimedia
content on my server?

A web page is more than the words on a page. A web page can contain information such as movies, music, audio or in other words, it can contain sound or video. Your hosting company may provide you with a small amount of space, or a large amount of space for your website, depending on the company and the amount of money that you are charged.

The more audio and visual files you have on your page, on your web site the larger the amount of space you will require for hosting of those pages.

There are two types of files you can put on your website, which are individual and steaming types.

Individual files are those that you load once to your site. These files can be loaded to your site, and played from the server just as any other page loads from your site. You an also provide links from your website so the user can download that file to their own computer and play the same information (audio or video).

The streaming file is one that contains larger amounts of information. Consider the streaming file to be the one that flows information, while the individual file is one that is a drop of information. The streaming file is one that will download to the users computer as it plays so it saves on space and use of the server where your information (your website) is stored.

Information such as music, movies and videos require a large amount of bandwidth to play. You can compare this to dial up and to DSL or cable. The more information you want to see and have on your site, the more bandwidth your site will require users to access it properly. Read the fine print from the hosting company to ensure your site will continue to run and be seen properly while using multimedia on your site.

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What is website builder?

What is website builder?

To build a web site, or just one web page, you need the use of HTML language, scripts and other programming, but a website builder is going to take all the hard work out of creating and building a web site so you can build it yourself.

A website builder could be software that you access online or that you purchase online. The website builder is a series of templates that already include the use of HTML and scripts and other needed languages to get you the same results. Some hosting companies and some domain name providers give you free templates and access to website builder software, while you can purchase expanded templates and programs to enhance and provide your website with many different variations.

The use of a website builder is done online, and not on your computer. You can only work on your website while you are connected to the Internet. The use of a website builder will continue to use a username and password, to protect your site and the contents of your site.

If you are going to use the website builder provided by a hosting or a domain company it is suggested that you preview your site before publishing and also that you try many of the wizards and templates available so you can create the site that fits your idea of a great website.

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How do I put my website on the server?

How do I put my website on the server?

The creation of your web pages is completed on your computer. Then, you must put those files you have created on the server where you have chosen to have your site hosted. The first step in doing this is to build your site, and then set up a user name and password for your site with a hosting provider.

The files are transferred to the server of the hosting company by use of ftp. This is the fastest and safest way for all of your files to be transferred. This is a direct link to the server where other people will view and access your web pages.

To set the ftp link up you need to find out the name of the ftp host, this information will be provided to you by your hosting company. You will have a user name and a password so that we you access the link, you can upload your pages. The use of a user name and password is important so that no one else can access, change or delete your web pages.

Many programs, such as web builders, that are loaded onto your computer from a disk will allow you to input this information and save it so you don’t have to enter your username and password each time you want to publish your website.

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What is HTML?

What is HTML?

The computers you use, and the Internet you use, are created using a different language compared to what you speak. HTML is a code, which tells the computer what to do, what to display and how to display it. For example, the color behind this writing could be white, blue or green, or even mixed – all as a result of the HTML code the page is written. The writing you see could be BIG, bold, or italic, again controlled by the HTML code.

Students learn to write basic HTML in school, but most people are not interested unless they are going to develop websites for a living. You can use web builder programs and templates to create that same web page without having to learn HTML. If you want to see what HTML looks like, hit view source using the right click button on any web page and you can see just how much is really involved in HTML language.

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How do I create my website?

How do I create my website?

Creating a web site can be done in various ways. Editing and programming software, also known as web site building software is one of the easiest methods of building a web site. Additionally, programs such as Front page and Macromedia Dream weaver are available for create and building a web site.

You can create pages using your PC, and then import those pages into the web building programs and then simply upload them to the hosting site of your choice. The page you create in word, in excel, PDF, and other programs are going to also be available for you to publish as web pages, but using those programs you can only do so much. The use of web building programs provides you with many more options and choices in creating pages that will draw readers and buyers alike.

Additionally there are other methods to creating your web site. You can learn html, which is the creation of the pages using scripts and programs. You can also hire another person or company who builds web sites using html if you do not want to use a site builder or learn html. One thing is important to remember though, if you hire a company to build your site, you will need maintenance, which could require additional money to be paid to that company when you want or need changes made.

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What are Databases?

What are Databases?

A database is useful in many ways. A database could be a price list, a listing of addresses, a listing of items you are selling, a listing of product numbers, or a listing of people attending a school. A database is a method of organizing information, which could be a small listing, or a very huge listing of information.

Using a database and a script, those who are on your web page can find what they want. A reader could look in the database for red shoes, black shoes or shoes that are size 13. Using a database, you give those who are on your site the ability to find what they want that you have to offer.

The use of your database is going to involve searches. The searches of your database are also known as queries. Queries and searches on your web pages, through the use of a database are created using scripts. If you are involved in programming you will be able to create scripts that will detail your database as much or as little as you would like. If you are using a web site builder, the search or query of your database can also be created and used on your web site using a database using the program. Many web builders now include the use of a pre made scripts so you do not have to learn how to program or how to create scripts to obtain the same great results.

Various databases are available for your use. Some of the most popular databases include those of MySQL, PostgreSQL and also those of Microsoft SQL server.

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What are scripts?

What are scripts?
(PHP, ASP, Perl, CGI, ETC..)

The pages of your web site are created to ‘do’ things different, to make colors, to make sounds, and to make the person using your site see things as you want. Motions, colors, sounds, and interaction online is completed using PHP, ASP, Perl, CGI programs and more.

The methods of how your web pages work together are created using scripts. If you are not a programmer you may not ever need to know how these items work, but you can use web site builders to create your pages all the same. The scripts, the programs that are used to create programs that run your pages on a server include programs that will update and change the information on your page without you manually having to make those changes. For example, if you have the date displayed on your web page, a script would be updating and changing the date on your pages daily without your going in and changing that date daily.

Scripts are also useful in other ways, such as in allowing guests and readers to make notes, sign your guest book, and to leave comments on the pages of your site. If you were to look carefully at the web site builder you are going to use, you will see these same options available. You are already using scripts inside the program you are using, without having to know all the inside details of programming to get the job done.

Scripts are also known as languages. The languages of programming are how the changes on your site can be updated without your constantly needing to be online and making those changes. Some of the most popular types of scripts include those of PHP, Perl and ASP.

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What are mailboxes (mail accounts)?

What are mailboxes (mail accounts)?
What is SMTP and POP3?

You already have an email, but a personalize email that uses your domain name helps your business grow and makes those who are using your site more aware of the ease in contacting you personally or the business you are growing.

Your email is where your message goes, from readers, those surfing your site, and from users of your site. Think about the many post offices you find offline, and you can relate to how the email account works. The mail on the Internet goes through various stages, to reach your inbox. While it is routed in different manners, you can access that same message in different manners, using various email programs.

Your email that is based on your domain name is available. To obtain the mail that is sent to your domain name email box, you need access to a POP3 access. This provided from your email program. All you need to know is the name of your email box, such as then you enter your password and you can get your email. The POP3 email is sent through the servers, where your domain is purchased.

The use of SMTP email is the opposite of a POP3 email. You will be able to get your email in the same manner, but it is handled by your hosting company and sent to your email program. While you do not need to know how these emails get to your box, you should be sure to use the email programs available through your domain names, so your readers, your site users can reach you when they want.

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How do I choose a web hosting provider?

How do I choose a web hosting provider?

Your website name leads people to you, but you have to have a ‘place’ where your website will be found. Similar to buying property for a home, you need to rent space on the Internet from a hosting provider for your website. Choosing a hosting provider can be easy when you research and read a little on the services provided.

What you need to research and learn about any hosting provider will be based on the same general information, time after time, which will include:

How much money do you want to spend on having your website online monthly?
If you are going to have a database, will the hosting support the database?
How much space do you need for your website, now and in the near future?
Do you need to have scripts or run scripts on your site?
How much bandwidth is your website going to require?
Can the hosting provider support the streaming needs of your website?
Make a listing of your questions and needs for your website. As you list these questions, and you read to find the answers about any particular hosting provider you will be ready and able to make that decision for your website about where to host your site.

Every website has particular needs, such as large amounts of space for photos, large amounts of bandwidth for a particular program, or the capabilities of holding a huge database. These are the types of questions you need to ask yourself, about what your needs are, and then research all the hosting providers that fit your budget to find the best hosting provider for your website.

What other methods can you use to find a hosting provider that is reliable? Ask your friends who they are using, ask your relatives who they are using for their website, and ask your employer (if you have one) who they are using to host their website. Find new clubs and webmaster pages online to learn more about what other hosting companies are most often used, and you will find tips about what types of hosting providers you should also avoid at the same time.

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What is a Domain Name?

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is your website name, the name of your business, your pages, and you online. A domain name is the address where people from around the country or around the world can access you site. Consider your domain name similar to that of your name. What do people call you, how do they address your mail to send you postal mail? A domain name is similar to the address and name in that respect. A domain name could be any combination of letters, and numbers, and then it will be used in combination of .com, .net, .biz and more so that readers can be directed to the correct domain name.

Every domain name must be unique, just as no two people can have the same name and address to receive postal mail offline. The .com, .net, .org, .info and so on allow for many similar names to be used but will allow readers to find a particular business with a unique address.

The .com or such is known as the top-level domain. Your choices are becoming limitless as the Internet continues to grow. The best thing about domain names is that you can have the same name, as a company across the country, but with another top-level domain extension so readers can find your business or web site.

A few of the most used top level domains include those of:
.com - one of the most common and familiar of all websites around the world
.biz - generally provided for businesses and commercial sites
.info - generally provided for information, such as news, libraries and similar
.org - generally provided for non profit type web sites and organizations
.net - generally provided for online businesses such as hosting companies, domain name resellers and similar online providers
.name - generally provided for personal websites and web spaces

Additionally most every country is provided their own top domain name, such as UK for the United Kingdom, and FR for France and so on.

Currently there is no enforcement of the generally accepted uses of the top domain names, but if you have a name that is already used on a .com you could purchase a .name or a .net domain name and have your web site online under the name you want.

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What is Web Hosting?

What is Web Hosting?

You have purchased a domain name, and you have built your website, and now you need to put your pages online. You need web hosting. Consider hosting similar to this: have a book, and you want to put the book on a shelf, but you need to pay for space on that shelf to allow others to read that book. Hosting is the space you will pay for to have your site on the Internet, so others can see and use your web pages.

What type of hosting should you consider? You want a hosting provider that is always ‘up’. The meaning of always ‘up’ is that any time your web site name is typed in, a reader should find your pages, and not a message stating the website is unavailable. A hosting provider that does not provide accessibility 24 hours a day and every day of the year is not a hosting provider you should consider.

Hosting is completed using servers, which are additional computers, networked to the Internet, holding millions of pages allowing people from around the world to view those pages. The hosting servers must be fast, continually working, and should be backed up by other computers to allow that constant ability to provide pages on demand. The permanent Internet connection allows anyone to type in your pages, to see your website when demanded.

Additional services are provided by hosting companies, such as email, special pricing, the ability to create pages from templates and more to lure customers, such as you, to their site. Read the fine print, know how much you will pay per month or per year, and compare these prices to the services you need for your web site.

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