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Thursday, March 31, 2011

What is HTML?

What is HTML?

The computers you use, and the Internet you use, are created using a different language compared to what you speak. HTML is a code, which tells the computer what to do, what to display and how to display it. For example, the color behind this writing could be white, blue or green, or even mixed – all as a result of the HTML code the page is written. The writing you see could be BIG, bold, or italic, again controlled by the HTML code.

Students learn to write basic HTML in school, but most people are not interested unless they are going to develop websites for a living. You can use web builder programs and templates to create that same web page without having to learn HTML. If you want to see what HTML looks like, hit view source using the right click button on any web page and you can see just how much is really involved in HTML language.

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